Reproduction-Pak zu 202-527/1 mit einzeln herausnehmbaren Lektionen
Precision is the focus of this book of exercises. With more than 80 exercises on rhythm and metre, Mike Nielsen prepares the ground for an intensive rhythmic training, from the timing of eighth notes...
Harmonielehre / Improvisation - Musikpädagogische Lehrmittel Practical analysis and illustration of improvisation techniques of styles intended, in particular, for CAPES and Agrégation candidates. Tex...
Im Instrumentalunterricht geht es nicht nur um Technik, sondern besonders um ein Sich-Zuhören-Lernen, ein Hinhören auf das, was der Körper ausführt, um dann Intonation und Klangqualität zu verbessern....
The Jazz Workbook Vol.1 is a first of its kind book. This book teaches the single note instrumentalist (including guitarist) how to hear and play thru chord changes. This is the essential element of j...
A practical student's guide - in workbook format - to ABRSM's Grade 6 Theory exam. Describes the nature of the questions set on papers for the grade and explains clearly how to tackle them. Contains m...
Step-by-step instructions on topics such as Using Presets, Performance Controls, Editing Presets, Editing in Performance-over 100 musical examples, diagrams and exercises in programming that will assi...
This book covers all aspects of the cello - except instructional lessons. Tipbooks are for players who want to understand and get the most out of their instrument. Features include: practicing tips *...
Über den rein praktischen Nutzen eines kommentierten Stückeverzeichnisses hinaus lädt das vorliegende Buch zu einer Entdeckungsreise in eine faszinierende Theaterlandschaft ein. 'Musicals ...nicht nur...