Études batterie
Jim Chapin
Advanced Techniques for the Modern Drummer Vol. 1
Coordinated Independence As Aplied to Jazz and Be-Bop
The classic jazz independence book is now new and improved and with two CDs! Jim Chapin, known as the 'Father of Jazz Independence,' has written one of the most popular drumset books of all time. This...
The classic jazz independence book is now new and improved and with two CDs! Jim Chapin, known as the 'Father of Jazz Independence,' has written one of the most popular drumset books of all time. This...
- Batterie
- Partition et CD
- Alfred Publishing
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- Batterie
- Partition
- Hudson Publishing Inc.
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150 solos rudimentaires qui ont été utilisés par d'innombrables batteurs au fil des ans.
150 solos rudimentaires qui ont été utilisés par d'innombrables batteurs au fil des ans.
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- Partition
- Ludwig Music Publishing Company
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Exercises and solos for stick technique and control for the advanced drummer.
Exercises and solos for stick technique and control for the advanced drummer.
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- Partition
- Ludwig Music Publishing Company
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Mitchell Peters
Elementary Snare Drum Studies
Une collection bien équilibrée d'études de base en lecture et en technique, destinée à fournir au batteur débutant une base solide dans les fondements essentiels de la batterie.
Une collection bien équilibrée d'études de base en lecture et en technique, destinée à fournir au batteur débutant une base solide dans les fondements essentiels de la batterie.
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- Partition
- Try Publishing Company
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Einführungsband zur Agostini-Schlagzeugmethode: Notation, Notenwerte, elemantare Rhythmus- und Grooveübungen, Fills, bis hin zu Triolen und Sechzehntelnoten
Einführungsband zur Agostini-Schlagzeugmethode: Notation, Notenwerte, elemantare Rhythmus- und Grooveübungen, Fills, bis hin zu Triolen und Sechzehntelnoten
- Batterie
- Partition
- Dante Agostini
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Progressive Steps to Syncopation
- Batterie
- Partition
- Ted Reed
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- Partition
- Anton J. Benjamin
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Ron Spagnardi
Building Bass Drum Technique
Strength, Speed, Endurance and Control for Single Bass Drum Players
This book from Modern Drummer founder Ron Spagnardi will help drummers using a traditional single bass set-up attain the most effective and efficient results from their playing. In a simple and method...
This book from Modern Drummer founder Ron Spagnardi will help drummers using a traditional single bass set-up attain the most effective and efficient results from their playing. In a simple and method...
- Bass Drum
- Partition et CD
- Hal Leonard
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Gary Chaffee
Rhythm & Meter Patterns
Patterns is one of the most comprehensive drum methods available. Covering a wide range of materials, the books can be used in any order, or in any combination with one another. They are a must for de...
Patterns is one of the most comprehensive drum methods available. Covering a wide range of materials, the books can be used in any order, or in any combination with one another. They are a must for de...
- Batterie
- Partition et CD
- Alfred Publishing
sera expédié dans 1-2 jours ouvrables
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